Friday, November 6, 2009

Wal-Mart Stalkers aren't fun.

Some people can be idiots. While stuck at a red light (ironic to those in my AP class) driving to Wal-Mart, this truck comes up behind me and gets way to close to my bumper, and one of the guys starts doing this whole, "Oh hey I'm going to start waving and make stupid cellphone gestures with my hand in hopes of grabbing your teenage attention even though I'm about 55 years old!" thing. Freaking annoying. They tailgated me into Wal-Mart, and I zig-zagged around the parking lot until I lost them and then went home the long way. The nerve of some people. That completely crushed my hopes of a sugar free Rockstar to perk up my day. Those people should be informed that they not only tried to pretty much tailgate and attack a minor, but they also deprived her of a sugar free Rockstar. Shouldn't that be illegal? I guess it saved me from the creepy cashier who always talks to me and follows me around the store, and makes sure that I "check out at his cash register." I really hope he means that literally and not...well you know. At least there is going to be Subway for dinner. Subway with a nice, warm bed should fix my day. Wait, my Mother dearest did laundry and took the sheets off my bed. Great. I'm now off to complete unfinished chores as I grumble about just about anything that comes to mind. There had better be Subway for dinner.
-Goodbye for now ♥ -

1 comment:

  1. Shaemazing -
    Your "other" does not believe you are ADD unless those initials standing for Amazing - Delightful - Daughter. Creative people can be random - but that randomness is what gives artistic people the motivation to pursue original paths in life. You are a kite with a long, untethered string. Nothing holds you down and you can fly anywhere the wind blows.
