Thursday, December 17, 2009

in all seriousness

No information on Wal-Mart stalkers today. No laughs, no reports on the daily antics and dramas that seem to delve into a teenager's life and infest it with the sickly humorous twists that seem to inevitably find their way in. A short moment of seriousness has happened upon me, so either read on or go find another blog that will make you laugh for a moment, while I get this out there. Still reading? Good, glad to see there is still some hope left for thoughtfulness in this crazy world.
Why do we is one of the most commonly asked questiones known to mankind. Why do we love, hate, hurt, laugh, cry, write, sing, get angry, get jealous, make the decisions we do, make mistakes, yell, whisper, run from what scares us, etc. You get the point. I'm not sure, maybe we can blame it on human nature. Maybe not. Maybe we can blame it on the uniform "individuality" that keeps us all feeling special when really we are not so difficult and different. Are we all the same? Of course not, but I think the feeling of uniqueness is heightened beyond neccessity and therefore instills a certain air of superiority and speciality within ourselves that we find consciously invigorating and therein we discover ourselves to be useful to the bleak and dismal world that we try so hard to save with just ourselves, being different. Being the same. All the same by all being different. It is the one quality we have in common. Our uniqueness is what brings us together. Our quirks, our specialties, our, whatevers. They are what mark us as who we are, they help us form each step into the next day of our life. What we do is uniform to us as individuals, it marks us in a way that only we can see, and others only if we so carefully choose to share it with the world. Why not? Why do we keep these certain qualities hidden beneath layers of qualities that are not our own. If you adore art, why go to school and major in mathematics? If you love to help people, why stick yourself in a cubicle day after day? Why dress one way or get your haircut another if you hate it all? If you have a knack with numbers, why in the world would you ever try to do something that is just pale in comparison? Because that's what is expected of you. You would get ridiculed or critisized otherwise. We are individuals, as long as its not so incredibly different that we seem "weird" or "just plain crazy". We depend on our individuality to bring color to the world we live in, to bring our lives color and splendor and make ourselves and those around us feel as if there is hope in even the darkest situations. We do what we do because that is what is expected, either by us or by someone else. That decision is also a characteristic that is not uniform within our society, no matter how simple the answer seems to be. In short, we are who we are and because of that we do what we do. No more, no less. It is as simple as that, and yet we still constantly question because we are not satisfied with something so simple. But it is. Rise above and beyond what is expected of you and by you, and you will live. Be the person you want yourself and others to remember. Life is short. Make decisions, make mistakes. If you fail, then at least you had fun trying.

Off to get a haircut now. I wonder what I'll have done. The answer? Whatever in the heck I want.

Have a lovely day.

1 comment:

  1. Do other people see in us only what we want them to see? Don't we all keep some part of ourself strictly to ourselves - forbidden for others to see? The secrets we do not tell - the thoughts we do not share... Do we do this out of fear or selfishness? Aren't there people out there who really are who they appear to be? People who let their true inner light shine? I like people like you? You are shining, Shaemazing! I see YOU. Thanks for not hiding your amazing light.

    Your Other
