Sunday, January 24, 2010

I think I'll return your butterfly collection now.

Okay, I'll admit, I've been seriously slacking when it comes to keeping this blog updated with the crazy antics that go on in every day life. Well, my every day life anyway. I'm not sure if I'll ever get used to the craziness, but for the moment I really am enjoying it. I've been taking lots of pictures lately. My camera was definitely a well worth it investment on my part, and I have no regrets when it comes to buying it. The opportunities have been nothing short of extraordinary between our winter vacation to Florida and my news project on adopting animals. The simplest things can have the most to say in a picture, and whereas most are worth a thousand words, some are worth even more. A lot of times there are emotions that cannot be expressed with words. Does that stop people from trying? No, but the verbal descriptions always fall somewhat short of the real thing. If someone says "Florida was undoubtedly the most gorgeous place yesterday, it is so green and lush and the golden sunshine never seems to end," then hey, thats a pretty good description. But until you see the picture or experience that sunshine, all you have to work with are the words on the page. I hate posed pictures. I don't like taking pictures of people when they're smiling, because they are never really *smiling*. They are curving their mouths in a fashion that shows their teeth in an attempt to convey a happy feeling. But it never quite reaches their eyes, which are usually dull and lifeless and convey the feeling of "click the danged button so I can go hit the snack bar". If nobody knows I'm taking pictures specifically of them, I can catch them when they're laughing and really happy, or daydreaming and thoughtful and they're faces are full of meaning and expectations and thought. That is when the pictures say the most. When they have LIFE.

Now lets catch you up as to whats been going on.
Firstly, Europe. I finally got my passport stuff submitted and I'M FREAKIN' EXCITED.
Sorry bout the "freakin" there, Karen. But I am.
Secondly, McDonalds sweet tea. I love it and my mom just brought me some. Oh, the love.
Thirdly, school. As for my first attempt at the ACT test, I missed requirements for promise scholarship because I got a 17 in the math section. But with a 24 overall, a 30 in english, and 25's and a 28 in every other subcategory, you'd think I'd still get it. But noooooo. I have to take it again. Stay tuned on that one. On the upside, I should have a 4.0 GPA on my second nine weeks. (: Woot woot. For the first time since my Gifted classes ended, I feel smart.
Fourthly, music. It's just plain amazing. My bluegrassers are coming along nicely thanks to Aaron and Ms. Jamison and me. It's helpful times like these when I don't really care if Aaron calls me "Little Fiddle Picker". We are actually working out really pretty harmonies on quite a few songs for our next concert. Whenever that may be.....
And the side band is doing good too. It's alternative rock though so not exactly on the same page with my bluegrassers.
Fifthly, art. It just keeps getting better. I've painted a few ceiling tiles for my school and now my friend Keith wants me to help him paint a shower curtain for his dorm room... hahha.(: This should be interesting.
Last but definitely not least, SAVE THE AMINALS! No, I'm not dyslexic. I just like saying aminals more than animals. Brings out the little kid in me, you know. My friend Brooke and I are doing a news story on animal adoption for our mass communications class. Look at this face! How can you resist?
Most of the animal shelter photos are up on the Flickr link I already posted above. Please, think about the animals.♥
Well I'm outta here now, I have a big cleaning ordeal to overcome and then hopefully I'm off to watch a bunch of small children run around with a basketball.
Have a good day.
Till another time,

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